効果モンスター 星4/水属性/魔法使い族/攻1850/守1500
(1):このカードは自分フィールドの表側表示の、「水霊使いエリア」1体と水属性モンスター1体を墓地へ送り、手札・デッキから特殊召喚できる。(2):このカードの(1)の方法で特殊召喚したこのカードが守備表示モンスターを攻撃した場合、その守備力を攻撃力が超えた分だけ相手に戦闘ダメージを与える。SHIPPING & RETURN
We usually ship within maximum 3 business days, in a very well protected package.
Regarding delivery, you might have multiple options at checkout: simply pick the most convenient to you!
Depending on your country of residence, the express delivery might be available, as well as cheap options by boat.
Various tax and duties might happen following where you deliver to. No worries, it is very rare. Our products are classified as "Playing cards", which has a rate of 0% at the customs in most countries.